A Motherless Mother’s Day
My mom died when I was eleven, and from then on, holidays were different. To be honest, they sucked; but the worst holiday of all was Mother’s Day. For me, it hadn’t turned into ‘just another day’; instead, it was a sad day. It was a day to watch everyone else celebrate something that I was no longer eligible to…
Thick Skin
If there’s one thing an author (especially a debut author) needs to know, it’s that not everyone will like your work; in fact, some people may hate it. Sorry, but that’s just the truth. When you take a leap of faith and put your work out for the world, you must do so understanding that you are not only inviting…
In general, I’m a happy person; however, just like everyone else in the world, I have my moments, and sometimes those moments last for days. It’s been about a week now, and I’m still trying to shake this little bout of the blues. The hard part is that in the rare instances where I feel down, I usually have no…
Wash Those Hands!
How many times have you heard (or read) this in the last week? “Wash your hands.” The coronavirus: some people say that it’s just like the flu, and I understand the thought process behind that, but I think with this being so new (and with no vaccinations, etc.) it’s different. Not only that, it’s now considered a pandemic. The last…
Cute as a Button and Sharp as a Tack
Regardless of how old you are, meeting someone’s parents for the first time is intimidating. It always has been for me, anyway. Throughout the years, some people’s parents have loved me, some have been neutral, and others hated me. There have been two unforgettable instances when someone’s parents have disliked me right off the bat without knowing me at all,…
Everyone has something that really, really gets under their skin. Most people can’t stand to be lied to and hate a thief (with good reason), but there’s another behavior that I’m seeing more and more of that drives me bonkers, and that is when people say they will do something and then don’t. Before my dad passed in 2011, he…
Hey Guys, Where Did Bob Go?
I used to think thirty was old. Once I was in my twenties, thirty didn’t seem that old anymore, and as the years passed, forty eventually took thirty’s place in my perception of old. This has been the way I’ve mentally defined old for as long as I can remember, and that now that I’m fifty, when I hear that a…
Wouldn’t it be nice?
Christmas is a wonderful thing. Well, it’s supposed to be, anyway. I did my research for this blog before I began writing; I typed “what is Christmas” in my internet search bar, and this is what I found: Christmas is the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth. Random side note: One trickster had their fun on Wikipedia, by adding that…
The Perfect Thanksgiving Recipe
How is it almost Christmas again? Where did 2019 go? If you know the answer to that question, kindly share it with me. Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and it was a wonderful day. I spent the day with my brother, sister-in-law, and nieces. As always, the food was out of this world (my sister-in-law is a fabulous cook), and so was…
To burn, or not to burn
Jackson Brown said, “Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.” Don Henley said, “Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge.” I say, “If you must burn a bridge, don’t do it on a windy day, and be sure to first consult your locality’s fire-burning ordinance regulations.” Seriously, though…