• Her First Valentine

    Yesterday, while scrolling through Facebook, I came across a photo taken for one of this year’s Daddy-Daughter dances and, as always, it made me smile. It makes sense for Daddy-Daughter dances to take place close to Valentine’s Day—after all, isn’t a girl’s first Valentine her daddy?  I often wonder if fathers realize how much of an impact they have in…

  • If You Keep Doin’ What You’re Doin’

    Years ago when my drinking had landed me in some trouble (imagine that), my dad, who had many years of sobriety under his belt, said something I’ll never forget:  “If you keep doin’ what you’re doin’, you’re gonna keep gettin’ what you’re gettin’.”  Almost 20 years later, this simple sentence is still my favorite mantra. It turns out that my dad had…

  • A Little About Toastmasters

    This week has been a busy one.  I publish my blog on Sundays, usually around 11:00 a.m., but it’s normally written by Saturday night at the latest.  Today is Sunday.  It’s 9:46 a.m. and I’m just now writing.  I’ve got a ton of stuff to do today, so I’m trying to get this finished and posted.  I’ve been sitting here…

  • Got Somethin’ Better to Do?

    There’s a lot to writing a book and having it published.  I always imagined authors sitting at their desks, madly pecking away on their big, clunky typewriters as they created a work of art that was sure to win the Pulitzer, or at least be in the running.  They’d type, “The End,” and triumphantly rip the paper out of the…

  • Cream & Sugar with that?

    Rejection—don’t like it, don’t want it.  Unfortunately, I have no choice, because it’s not like I’m at a restaurant and when the waiter asks if I want my coffee refilled I can reply, “Nah, I’ve had enough, thank you,”; rejection ain’t coffee, and it looks like my cup’s getting filled to the brim, regardless if I want it.  As with certain brands…

  • Miracle Baby

    November 6, 2013. That was the day I got some new brothers. Sort of. You see, they’d always been my brothers, I just didn’t know that they were. In order for this to make sense, I need to take you back in time with me…we’re traveling to the late 1960’s, so put on your bell-bottoms and your tie-dyed t-shirts because…

  • Change

    2019 is two days away. Once again, gym memberships will soar and members will have to wait their turn to use the machines. That will last a couple of months until New Year’s Resolutionists (yes, I think I made that word up) revert back to their 2018 habit of sitting on the couch, watching Netflix. Diets will start and end.…

  • Marshmallows & Jello Molds

    During the last couple of days, the internet has been trying to give me a topic for this week. It handed me two gifts, both wrapped in the newspaper funnies section, having neither bows nor ribbons. Both times, I thought, “Oh, that’s nice,” and absentmindedly put them off to the side while I continued to search my brain for something…

  • The More, the Merrier

    Ask anyone who knows me…my memory sucks.  When someone asks me a question about anything from more than a year or two ago, they’re probably not going to get an answer or I’m going to direct them to my sister because she remembers everything.  It’s even worse if I try to recall something from my childhood.  For some reason, my…

  • Real Queens & Kings

    I’ve said before that I get a lot of my ideas from things I see on Facebook; this week’s blog idea is a shining example of that.  The other day, I saw a meme on Facebook that said, “Real queens fix each other’s crowns,” and it got me to thinkin’.  The gist of the message is that women should build…