• Fake it ’til you make it

    My book launch was last Saturday.  It was an enjoyable and exciting experience, but it was also exhausting.  I’ve learned so many things since I began the journey to getting this book out there, with my most recent lesson being this:  Fake it ‘til you make it. I am, by nature, an introvert.  I’m hard-wired to do things like only…

  • Stop and Smell the Roses

    Throughout my life, I’ve heard different variations of, “Be sure to stop and smell the roses.”  I’ve always taken this to mean, “Don’t get so busy that you hurry through life, neglecting to take the time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you,”– or at least that’s how I like to interpret it.  The arrival of spring, with its breathtaking blooms and…

  • The Great Pineapple on Pizza Debate

    I used this photo and title to get your attention because I‘m willing to bet you feel strongly about pineapple on pizza; as in, you either love it or hate it.  I love it—don‘t judge. About a week ago, I met a friend for dinner.  Since I’ve started selling my book, a lot of friends have said, “Hey, let’s meet…

  • But, WHY?

    “If someone shows you who they really are, believe them,” ~ Maya Angelou  Maya Angelou was one wise lady.  I first heard the above quote about five years ago and it’s one I try to remember when a fitting occasion arises.  Unfortunately, I don’t always follow the wonderful advice in that quote, because I’m a “why” person; I always want…

  • Message from a Stranger

    This weekend was amazing.  Absolutely AH-MA-ZING.  I got my books on Saturday, had two interviews with two remarkable women (have I mentioned how many fabulous people I’ve met since I’ve started this book journey?), and last night I got a message that made every bit of work I’ve put into this endeavor 100% worthwhile. The message was from a lady…

  • Sunday Posts

    As I sat here wondering what on earth I would write about this weekend, I was hit with a realization:  I don’t have to write every week.  I initially said I was going to, and because I feel like I should always do what I say I will do, I’ve done it every week even when I didn’t really have…

  • If I Build It, They Will Come

    Last week while I was at work, my desk line rang.  When I answered it, a lady immediately went into a spiel about how I was eligible for a vacation (or something like that).  I don’t remember exactly what it was about because as soon as I realized it was a sales call, I mentally checked out.  When she finished…

  • An Old Dog

    When you write a book, the result you hope for is simple:  you hope that people buy it, read it, and like it.  For this result to come to fruition, several things have to happen.  I would say the first and most important thing is that the book has to be good, but I can’t say it because it isn’t true.  I have one…

  • Bags to Beds

    I’ve never been a crafty person.  In fact, I could be the poster child for Pinterest fails.  I look at the things that some of my friends make and I’m dumbfounded by their talent and creativity.  But what impresses me, even more, is how some of my friends use their talents for the purpose of helping complete strangers.  These friends…

  • Writing Romance in YA Fiction

    Ah, young love…there’s nothing like it.  It was a time when we welcomed Cupid’s arrow with open arms, daring the impish little trickster to give it his best shot.  And I think with most of us, he was happy to comply. Many of us look back at our younger days and remember our high school sweethearts with a particular fondness; I know…